Month: June 2009

This & That, and pictures, too!

This & That, and pictures, too!

My kindergarten graduate! I am so glad there is waterproof mascara, because I SO needed it for graduation! It wasn’t just a kindergarten ceremony this year; they had a “moving on” ceremony for the 5th graders because they are all headed to the Middle School next year. So the littles […]

♥ Accepting Applications ♥

6.17.2009 | Wednesday

category: This & That

♥ Accepting Applications ♥

Yesterday, I posted an ad on Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter, but the 140 character limit imposed by Twitter and (the service I use for simultaneous posting) severely limited my ad.  So I thought I would post an expanded advertisement here, too, just in case a future cabana boy happens […]

The lighter side of life in the sandbox! Hooah!

6.16.2009 | Tuesday

category: Army Life, Viral Vids

The lighter side of life in the sandbox!  Hooah!

I got looking at soldier videos on YouTube this morning and found a ton of really funny ones of soldiers blowing off some much-needed steam!  Enjoy! Soldier singing Barbie Girl [youtube][/youtube] Us Soldier vs. Goat [youtube][/youtube] The Ding Dong Song [youtube][/youtube] US Soldier Singing I would walk 500 miles [youtube][/youtube] […]