Month: September 2009

Coiffed, waxed, & plucked!

9.29.2009 | Tuesday

category: Mama Drama

Coiffed, waxed, & plucked!

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate rain?!  Especially when I have just been to the salon and gotten my hair done?!  Yuck.  I got my roots done this morning, which was beyond needed.  It was getting to the point where the roots were longer than the blonde.  Okay, […]


9.28.2009 | Monday

category: Bitches & Moans, Blast from the Past


I pride myself on being open-minded and forgiving, but I am definately having issues with the ex-husband.  I didn’t think any of the drama with him bothered me any more, but I am beginning to think that I was fooling myself, that it was just a matter of out of […]

Holy migraine, Batman!

9.27.2009 | Sunday

category: Daily Drama

Holy migraine, Batman!

I think the combination of stress plus no sleep has come back to bite me in the ass.  To say that I feel like I have a tribe of dwarves mining in my skull with very sharp pickaxes would be putting it mildly!  My usual homeopathic remedy of cayenne pepper […]

It’s about choice and respect.

9.26.2009 | Saturday

category: Bitches & Moans
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It’s about choice and respect.

There is nothing I hate more than labels, even though I know sometimes they are necessary.  But labels can be so limiting in someone’s perception of you, or your own perception of yourself.  I hate being put in a box because of what someone labels me.  Just because someone labels […]

Adventures in yarn,…

9.25.2009 | Friday

category: Craftastic Goodies

Adventures in yarn,…

Sometimes I think I am an idiot! I bought some cheap, but yummy feeling yarn from JoAnn Fabrics a few weeks ago and I have been using it to make a simple v-stitch scarf.  Well, I finished it last night and started putting the fringe on it.  This morning, I […]

My son, the Super Hero!

9.24.2009 | Thursday

category: Kid Tales

My son, the Super Hero!

There once was a little-known super hero known as Donovan.  He didn’t wear a cape, but a pair of slightly worn, slightly smell running shoes.  One day, he was running with his posse through the streets of his village for cross-country practice.  As they were running through the side streets, […]

To Syracuse & back!

9.23.2009 | Wednesday

category: Kid Tales

To Syracuse & back!

Holy hell!  What a day!  Let’s see,… we left for the cleft clinic at 0630, after having drugged the Ty-man with the doctor-recommended Benedryl, an attempt at not having a puke fest the entire way!  It was successful, as he was asleep about 20 minutes into the 2-hour drive!!  I […]

My cleft palate cutie!

9.22.2009 | Tuesday

category: Kid Tales

My cleft palate cutie!

Road trip! So Ty and I are taking a little road trip tomorrow!  We are leaving at 0630, so let’s hope Donovan manages to get everyone on the bus at 0700.  They will all be up before we leave, so all should be well!  Ty and I are headed to […]

Migraines & madness,…

9.21.2009 | Monday

category: Daily Drama
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Migraines & madness,…

I broke my cardinal rule of not fighting with Corey while he is deployed, but stuff just boiled over and out it went.  We ended with all the right words, which is important, but getting to the “I love you” wasn’t easy.  I hate fighting like that, especially with him […]