Month: December 2009

Soldier Daddy returns! ♥

12.27.2009 | Sunday

category: Army Life, Uncategorized

Soldier Daddy returns!  ♥

After only 5 delays, Soldier Daddy is finally home. And what a gigantic cluster &^%$ it was. Not only did he not make home for Christmas Eve, he didn’t make it home for Christmas either. I spent a good portion of Christmas day in a funk, which sucked more than […]

Christmas Eve Blues,…

12.24.2009 | Thursday

category: Army Life, Uncategorized

Christmas Eve Blues,…

[youtube][/youtube] I woke up this morning with a serious case of Christmas Blues.  It has been a really rough year for me, not even counting the deployment, so Christmas cheer has been sadly lacking in my heart this year.  And the 5 delays to bring Corey home definately haven’t helped […]

The blahs,…

12.18.2009 | Friday

category: Bitches & Moans, Mama Drama

The blahs,…

I have barely blogged at all this month but I have had no motivation whatsoever to do it.  I haven’t had anything positive to say and I have enough negativity in my head without having to release it on the world!!  Corey will be home in less than a week […]

On mothering boys,…

12.14.2009 | Monday

category: Kid Tales, Mama Drama
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On mothering boys,…

Sometimes mothering boys is a lot like running an obstacle course.  You just never know what they are going to throw in your way.  Sometimes it is these crazy off the wall questions that no parenting book EVER covers.  Other times, it is just the insane things they do that leave […]

The countdown begins,…

12.10.2009 | Thursday

category: Army Life, Uncategorized

The countdown begins,…

We are two weeks from the end of deployment now,… FINALLY!  I still refuse to get excited until the very day he comes home, though.  I know how that sounds, but I am also more than well aware of how often things can change at the last moment.  As it […]

To the drama queen,…

12.7.2009 | Monday

category: Daily Drama

To the drama queen,…

Get your own life and your own friends.  Just because I am friends with someone doesn’t mean you have to be, too.  It is okay to be a big girl now and find your own life without having to sideline mine.  The nasty little comments you feel are so necessary […]