Month: January 2014

Owning it and accepting it…

1.16.2014 | Thursday

category: Pondering Life

Owning it and accepting it…

This has been one of those days when I have had moments of being inexplicably angry and unbelievably sad.  I spent most of the morning trying to ignore it and it has gotten me nowhere except throbbing in pain from a stress neck ache.  That’s no good. Owning it… I […]

A down day…

1.8.2014 | Wednesday

category: Pondering Life

A down day…

There is a down side to being reflective.  Memories.  Frustration.  Sadness.  The reminder of how little faith in humanity I have these days.  As much as I don’t want to revisit these things, there is no way to cope and to heal without working through them.  But denying it or […]


1.7.2014 | Tuesday

category: Pondering Life
tag(s): ,


I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about life and relationships, all kinds of relationships… family and friends.  The last several years have had their ups and downs, often more downs than ups.  I watched The Perks of Being a Wallflower recently and a quote from that really struck me. “We […]

Happy New Year!

1.1.2014 | Wednesday

category: Pondering Life
tag(s): , ,

Happy New Year!

For the love of 2014 I don’t believe in resolutions.  They are a setup for failure.  I believe in goals.  And I have several… Do what I need to do to get healthier, but not be so hard on myself.  I need to accept my limitations and stop expecting too […]