Month: October 2023

blessed samhain

10.31.2023 | Tuesday

category: Witchy

blessed samhain

the fallacy This is an important day in my world, a day that is so misconstrued. I read a few blog posts this morning, answering questions for a meme I sometimes do. I sure as hell won’t be today. Almost every one of the participants blasted Samhain as evil without […]

some stealing on sunday

10.22.2023 | Sunday

category: Memetastic

some stealing on sunday

click image to join Stolen from League of  Extraordinary PenPals  1. October reading & writing goals and plans October is my month of spooky reading, both hardcore and less so. I want to finish William Peter Blatty’s The Exorcist and move on to the sequel, Legion. I’m also reading a series […]

saturday’s scattered thoughts & a meme

10.21.2023 | Saturday

category: Memetastic, This & That
tag(s): , , , ,

saturday’s scattered thoughts & a meme

scattered thoughts After the debacle of the previous night’s sleep (see here), I’d hope to have an extended period of restfulness. I was only semi successful. Instead of every couple of minutes (literally), the hubby managed to keep the shenanigans to 45- to 60-minute intervals. Not great, but better. Either […]

wednesday words

10.18.2023 | Wednesday

category: Pondering Life
tag(s): , , ,

wednesday words

words Ick… I just ran across a highly transphobic response to a question of a meme that I used to do on Wednesday. I thought I’d hop in and do it again, but no. I’ve discovered, like much of the interactive blogging world, it’s one largely populated by people who […]