Category: Bitches & Moans

Snarky, snarky,…

5.11.2011 | Wednesday

category: Bitches & Moans

Snarky, snarky,…

What is with all the snarkiness on Facebook lately?  I have seen more statuses advertising that they were going to delete friends and I just don’t get why that’s necessary.  Not the deleting part; delete away if that’s what you want to do.  But what’s with the need to advertise […]

Can’t we all just get along,…

5.5.2011 | Thursday

category: Bitches & Moans

Can’t we all just get along,…

I am so ridiculously sick of being harrassed and threatened and warned, just because of the things I feel or believe in and have the apparent audacity to verbalize.  I guess I feel that I am a big girl, I can feel however I want without recrimination.  Disagree with me […]

From a friend, a bit of an OBL vent,…

5.3.2011 | Tuesday

category: Bitches & Moans

From a friend, a bit of an OBL vent,…

The following post was not written by me, but by a soldier and a friend, Jason Poor.  He is an active duty soldier, having done his time in multiple deployments since 9-11.  He used to be stationed with my husband, and my husband still laments that he is no longer […]

Bin Laden is dead,…

5.2.2011 | Monday

category: Bitches & Moans, Political Madness

Bin Laden is dead,…

Bin Laden is dead.  Some part of me never really thought that would ever happen.  It goes against most everything I believe in to celebrate a death, but in many ways, I do.  There were so many lost on that fateful day, and on the days since.  Friends, family, brothers […]

The government shutdown,…

4.7.2011 | Thursday

category: Bitches & Moans
1 Comment

The government shutdown,…

NOTE: Parts of this blog were lated quoted and used in a news report on the subject at  Please scroll to the end for the video. There are so many things about this that bother me.  Not the least of which is that it is affecting soldiers and their […]

Miniature Dwarf Condos For Sale

3.18.2011 | Friday

category: Bitches & Moans

Miniature Dwarf Condos For Sale

I am pretty sure that dwarves have opened an unauthorized condominuim in my head.  Premium, because I like to pride myself on having a well-formed brain, so therefore any accomodations within it would have to be premium, right?  Anyway, I digress.  Dwarves are excellent miners so I am convinced that […]

Apnea vs. Kim,… apnea wins.

3.8.2011 | Tuesday

category: Bitches & Moans

Apnea vs. Kim,… apnea wins.

I am really hard to keep a positive spin on things, but starting almost every day with negativity is derailing me completely.  I feel like I am fighting a battle with the husband that has no hope of a reasonable conclusion.  Over the last few years, he has become increasingly […]

What to do?

2.9.2011 | Wednesday

category: Bitches & Moans, Family Stuff
1 Comment

What to do?

I used to blog religiously, each and every day, but I definately don’t anymore.  It isn’t for lack of trying, since I open it up just about every day.  I write a few sentences, I delete them and start over.  And I never seem to get past that point.  It’s […]

Where do you find it?

1.31.2011 | Monday

category: Bitches & Moans
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Where do you find it?

Sometimes I think that is the biggest obstacle in my life right now,… the lack of inspiration.  It is so easy to fall in a rut when you are a stay at home mom and wife.  Your whole world revolves around your family until you feel like you have lost […]