friday 5: on (a different) deck

1.10.2025 | Friday

category: Memetastic
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friday 5: on (a different) deck

current(ly)… 1. If everyone carried personal cards (instead of business cards), what would you put on the line just beneath your name, where job titles usually go? Calling cards… I still have some from my great-grandmothers from when they were commonplace. What would I put… Maybe “Join me for coffee […]

thursday 13: books I want to read in 2025

1.8.2025 | Wednesday

category: Memetastic

thursday 13: books I want to read in 2025

play along here It’s time for my annual round-up of books releasing this year that I want to read! But, as I am a mood reader, it is also 100% open to change!! 1. We Are Watching by Alison Gaylin release date: 28 January 2025genre: thrillerdemographic: adultamazon | barnes & noble […]

welcome, 2025…

1.1.2025 | Wednesday

category: Daily Drama, This & That

welcome, 2025…

and good riddance to 2024… Not even going to bother recapping the year, even though I missed blogging for its entirety. It was… a year. That’s really all there is to say. There were good moments, to be sure, but all in all, it was an utter disappointment. I had […]

holiday blues & friday 5

12.22.2023 | Friday

category: Memetastic
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holiday blues & friday 5

bah, humbug My cave troll existence has continued. I freakin’ love this time of year, but I haven’t been able to truly enjoy it. I love the decorations, the movies, the music, the baking, the holiday spirit. I love all of it. But this nonstop caucophony of crap (the headache […]

friday mental meanderings & friday 5

12.15.2023 | Friday

category: Memetastic

friday mental meanderings & friday 5

mental meanderings i’m a cave troll. At least that’s how I’m living my life these days. My brain continues to bubble, bubble, toil, and trouble, so I’ve been living in darkness as much as possible. Lit only by the lights of the holiday. I even cook dinner in the light […]

friday thoughts & friday 5

12.8.2023 | Friday

category: Memetastic

friday thoughts & friday 5

friday thoughts traveling I may be hitting the road next summer, and by hitting the road, I mean hitting the air as well. It would be otherwise difficult to get to Philly. My brother asked me to meet him and his daughters there to go to a Pink concert. For […]