Tag: school stuff

A little bit of insight…

9.10.2014 | Wednesday

category: Pondering Life, School Days
tag(s): ,

A little bit of insight…

reading time: 2 minutes I had a homework assignment this week for my Craft and Practice in Creative Writing class.  It was an “observation and reflection” free-writing exercise for which we were to take 20-30 minutes in some familiar setting.  For the first 10-15 minutes, we had to simply observe on our surroundings, considering the external […]

College and Crochet

10.28.2013 | Monday

category: Craftastic Goodies, School Days
tag(s): ,

College and Crochet

reading time: 2 minutes A little bit of Hermione… I am truly loving most of my classes this semester!  I only have one that is a traditional classroom setting, albeit an online one.  That is my Mythology and Modern Life class.  I really am loving my class in terms of what I am studying.  My […]

Faeries in my future

11.6.2012 | Tuesday

category: School Days
tag(s): ,
1 Comment

Faeries in my future

reading time: 2 minutes Today is a big day in my world.  It is registration day for next semester and, of course, it is Election Day.  I have registered for 4 classes, although I may need to add another.  Then there is the question of financial aid.  Will I still be eligible if I […]