Tag: thursday 13

thursday 13: all things Ingram

7.15.2021 | Thursday

category: Memetastic
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thursday 13: all things Ingram

I thought I’d deep-dive my maiden name today and explore all things “Ingram.” Some are related, most are not! And some aren’t people at all! 1. Ingram, Texas When I was stationed in Texas back in the early 1990s, I happened upon Ingram, Texas. Somewhere, there is a photo of […]

thursday 13: travelogue of the bizarre

6.24.2021 | Thursday

category: Memetastic
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thursday 13: travelogue of the bizarre

There are some… interesting places out there. Places that need to be visited, to be experienced. Here’s a Travelogue of Weirdness for you! In no particular order… 1. The Flavor Graveyard Location: Waterbury, Vermont It’s a legit graveyard for ice cream flavors that have been discontinued… or de-pinted. The website […]

thursday 13: quotes from Kate

6.17.2021 | Thursday

category: Memetastic
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thursday 13: quotes from Kate

image: Wikipedia Katharine Hepburn is my all-time favorite actress, and one of my favorite human beings. She was a feminist, her parents both advocates for social change, holding progressive views that many of their time disapproved of. . Her father, Thomas, helped create an organization in New England that educated […]

thursday 13: weird facts

6.3.2021 | Thursday

category: Memetastic
tag(s): ,

thursday 13: weird facts

I’m a writer, and as such, I come across a lot of weirdness in the course of research. And that weirdness sometimes boggles my mind. Here’s a sample… 1. Your tonsils can grow back after a tonsillectomy. Often, not all the tissue is removed, so it’s possible for them to […]