6.19.2009 | Friday

♥ Ty’s the Man ♥ & Vids for you

category: Army Life, Kid Tales, School Days, Viral Vids
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reading time: < 1 minute

My little man is graduating!
From kindergarten, granted, but still a big deal in my world!  I figure all the lovely black eyeliner I am sporting right now will be transplated from the eye area to parallel tracks down my cheeks. 

All made up, BEFORE Mama tears!!

But it will be worth it to look like an overemotional idiot, because he earned it!  I am beyond proud of my kidlet because kindergarten was definately a harder year for him than it was for the other three.  There were never any problems with him picking things up and learning, because he is a smart little sucker.  But he definately had stuff going against him.  To start with, he was the youngest in the class, being 4 for almost 5 weeks of school.  He is also really small for his age, which is like having a neon bullseye on him that says “Bullies, ABUSE ME”.  And they did, although it didn’t get as bad as it could have.  Which is probably a good thing, because I would have been hard pressed not to bitch slap their little asses.  And third, and most importantly, he had his speech issues with his cleft, another invitation to the asshole bullies out there.  But he adapted and overcame, clearly an Army brat!  He made huge amounts of progress with his speech and kicked ass and took names when he needed to.  And I love him for it!  So, rock on, little buddy!  You ARE the man! 

Some funniness for you!

Batman and Robin in Iraq:  This cracked me up!

What is Love?:  I love these music video funny ones!

Ice, Ice, Baby:  Gotta love MPs!

Peanut Butter Jelly Time:  This cracked me up because the people they were doing it to, didn’t even realize they were there!!

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One response to “♥ Ty’s the Man ♥ & Vids for you

  1. selina

    OMG, the PBJ time one is the best. You ahve to wonder just what the Iraqis think of American soldiers with all the stupid shit they do!


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