Category: Bitches & Moans

brains & boo-boos

12.6.2023 | Wednesday

category: Bitches & Moans, WTH?!
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brains & boo-boos

brains My brain specifically. It hates me. Not only has it plagued me with post-COVID fog for months, now it has decided to make me miserable with dagger-like pain. I’ve had an unceasing headache for nigh on two weeks now. It varies in intensity from time to time, but since […]

people be wildin’

5.19.2021 | Wednesday

category: Bitches & Moans

people be wildin’

I’ve seen a bunch of memes lately that kind of sum up the world pretty succinctly in my opinion. I think this one ↑ is the realest of the real talk I’ve seen lately. The amount of blatantly wrong information people put out these is astonishing… and often dangerous. I […]

pet peeves

4.30.2021 | Friday

category: Bitches & Moans
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pet peeves

pet peeve (noun): a frequent subject of complaint It’s weird how something that is no big deal to one person can irritate the hell out of another. I don’t have a lot of pet peeves, but I definitely have a few. interrupt me ONE more time, I dare you One […]

Not a happy Mama, not a happy post…

9.23.2013 | Monday

category: Bitches & Moans
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Not a happy Mama, not a happy post…

This week has all the makings to be a pretty craptastic week.  This Saturday was supposed to be my due date and I am not entirely sure my body realizes that it isn't pregnant anymore.  Especially after the maelstrom of crap it has been through, I don't think it knows which […]