Month: March 2011

Miniature Dwarf Condos For Sale

3.18.2011 | Friday

category: Bitches & Moans

Miniature Dwarf Condos For Sale

I am pretty sure that dwarves have opened an unauthorized condominuim in my head.  Premium, because I like to pride myself on having a well-formed brain, so therefore any accomodations within it would have to be premium, right?  Anyway, I digress.  Dwarves are excellent miners so I am convinced that […]

Apnea vs. Kim,… apnea wins.

3.8.2011 | Tuesday

category: Bitches & Moans

Apnea vs. Kim,… apnea wins.

I am really hard to keep a positive spin on things, but starting almost every day with negativity is derailing me completely.  I feel like I am fighting a battle with the husband that has no hope of a reasonable conclusion.  Over the last few years, he has become increasingly […]