Month: December 2022

friday 5: on the dotted line

12.23.2022 | Friday

category: Memetastic
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friday 5: on the dotted line

1. What did you last put your signature on? A receipt at the store. Nothing too interesting! 2. How legible is your signature? Quite! By all rights, it probably shouldn’t be, due to the sheer amount of hand issues I have. Lots of permament soft tissue damage in both thumbs […]

saturday 9: just because

12.10.2022 | Saturday

category: Memetastic
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saturday 9: just because

Saturday 9: Just Because (1956) Unfamiliar with this week’s tune? See the video and watch it below!  1. In this week’s song, Elvis complains that his girl has confused him with Santa Claus. This time of year, Santa is prominent. Did you more recently hear Santa referred to in a […]

Griner, Whelan, & The Merchant of Death

12.9.2022 | Friday

category: Political Madness

Griner, Whelan, & The Merchant of Death

I wish the anger associated with the release of Brittney Griner from the Russian penal colony was less surprising. However, it is not. The last several years have made it very clear that expecting the best from humanity is rather pointless. The underlying rhetoric is that one American life has […]