Tag: celebrations

Samhain Blessings!

10.31.2012 | Wednesday

category: Holidayze

Samhain Blessings!

reading time: 2 minutes My Samhain altar (Click for a larger view in a new window.) Blessed Samhain to all! Samhain (pronounced "sow-in") is an important Sabbat in the Wheel of the Year.  Many celebrate it as the Celtic New Year, as I do.  It is a day that also represents the end of […]

This & That, and pictures, too!

This & That, and pictures, too!

reading time: 3 minutes My kindergarten graduate! I am so glad there is waterproof mascara, because I SO needed it for graduation! It wasn’t just a kindergarten ceremony this year; they had a “moving on” ceremony for the 5th graders because they are all headed to the Middle School next year. So the littles […]

Birthdays & a Kid-Free Zone!

6.11.2009 | Thursday

category: Holidayze, Kid Tales
tag(s): ,

Birthdays & a Kid-Free Zone!

reading time: < 1 minute Happy Birthday, to the twins! Today is Corey’s 30th birthday and would have been my grandmother’s 96th birthday.  It was always a family joke that Corey and Grandma were long lost twins separated by generations, but still twins at heart!  I miss you, Grandma, and happy birthday!  But, bittersweet memories […]

Way to go, Donovan!

5.18.2009 | Monday

category: Kid Tales, Pretty in Pictures
tag(s): , ,

Way to go, Donovan!

reading time: < 1 minute Congrats to Donovan! We got some fabulous news in the mail Friday night!  Donovan got into The Clarkson School!  Yipee!  So we all immediately got in the car and headed to Potsdam for a celebration dinner at Cactus Grill with my dad, stepmom, and stepsister Kristin!  Out of the number of […]