Tag: videos

Bus accident

10.21.2010 | Thursday

category: Kid Tales, School Days, Viral Vids
tag(s): ,

Bus accident

Pretty scary stuff, since this accident happened just down the road from us.  We live just outside village limits and this bus goes the opposite direction on the same road.  Fortunately, there were only 5 minor injuries, like bumps and bruises.  I didn’t even know about it until I was […]

A completely lazy weekend,…

9.8.2009 | Tuesday

category: Viral Vids
tag(s): ,

A completely lazy weekend,…

We spent the weekend imitating garden slugs.  In other words, we did as little as humanly possible.  My heart just wasn’t into doing a whole lot that required any kind of motivation, after my dad’s news on Friday.  So we headed to the Movie Gallery and rented a STACK of […]