Tag: life

holiday blues & friday 5

12.22.2023 | Friday

category: Memetastic
tag(s): ,

holiday blues & friday 5

reading time: 3 minutes bah, humbug My cave troll existence has continued. I freakin’ love this time of year, but I haven’t been able to truly enjoy it. I love the decorations, the movies, the music, the baking, the holiday spirit. I love all of it. But this nonstop caucophony of crap (the headache […]

brains & boo-boos

12.6.2023 | Wednesday

category: Bitches & Moans, WTH?!
tag(s): ,

brains & boo-boos

reading time: < 1 minute brains My brain specifically. It hates me. Not only has it plagued me with post-COVID fog for months, now it has decided to make me miserable with dagger-like pain. I’ve had an unceasing headache for nigh on two weeks now. It varies in intensity from time to time, but since […]

saturday’s scattered thoughts & a meme

10.21.2023 | Saturday

category: Memetastic, This & That
tag(s): , , , ,

saturday’s scattered thoughts & a meme

reading time: 4 minutes scattered thoughts After the debacle of the previous night’s sleep (see here), I’d hope to have an extended period of restfulness. I was only semi successful. Instead of every couple of minutes (literally), the hubby managed to keep the shenanigans to 45- to 60-minute intervals. Not great, but better. Either […]