Month: September 2023

that time when a bad guy roamed schofield barracks

9.29.2023 | Friday

category: WTH?!

that time when a bad guy roamed schofield barracks

Mouseover underlined text for more information. That time would be yesterday afternoon. Let me set the scene… I’m sitting on my couch, watching the New York Rangers play the New Jersey Devils in preseason. My husband, who is at work downtown at Fort Shafter, calls around 2:30p and I answer. […]

friday 5: gang aft agley

9.29.2023 | Friday

category: Memetastic
tag(s): ,

friday 5: gang aft agley

1. When did you last plan a special gathering or event? Other than holidays? It’s been a while. 2. How do you rate yourself as an organizer of activities? A tad anal. I’m a list maker, and I tend to create contingency plans for contingency plan. 3. When did you […]

saturday 9: answer the phone

9.23.2023 | Saturday

category: Memetastic
tag(s): ,

saturday 9: answer the phone

Saturday 9: Answer the Phone (2001) Unfamiliar with this week’s tune? See the video and watch it below! 1) This song likens a relationship to a roller coaster ride. When did you most recently visit an amusement park? Years. So long ago that I don’t even remember what year. But […]

friday 5: don’t tip the boat over

9.22.2023 | Friday

category: Memetastic
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friday 5: don’t tip the boat over

1. When did you most recently feel you should be dancing? Wednesday night. I was listening to old-school, 80s-era rap, and I was feeling the moment! 2. What hot stuff have you recently consumed? Spicy jambalaya. It was delicious! 3. What kind of side-hustle would be fun to try? Something creative. I use to […]

thursday 13: random memories

9.21.2023 | Thursday

category: Memetastic
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thursday 13: random memories

Let’s take a trip down my memory lane, shall we? I’m going to do this stream-of-consciousness style, so you get what I get… good, bad, big, or small! 1. getting murder books for Christmas Okay, I know this sounds weird. Let me explain… I’m into true crime, something for which […]

the joys of aging

9.18.2023 | Monday

category: Wild Woman

the joys of aging

As I enter Cronehood, I’m truly feeling the lack of female elders in my immediate family. My maternal grandmother died when I was just 16, my paternal grandmother when I was 37, and my mom when I was 44. And not one of them entered this phase without surgical help, […]

friday 5: happy hour

9.15.2023 | Friday

category: Memetastic
tag(s): ,

friday 5: happy hour

1. During which specific hour of the day are you likeliest to be happy? I don’t know that I have a specific hour! I guess it changes from day to day. 2. Which food-beverage pairings do you feel strongest about? Iced tea and poke. Coffee and cheesecake. White Zin and […]