Month: January 2013

Authenticity and Transformation

1.28.2013 | Monday

category: Pondering Life
1 Comment

Authenticity and Transformation

reading time: 4 minutes Transformation is my favorite game and in my experience, anger and frustration are the result of you not being authentic somewhere in your life or with someone in your life. Being fake about anything creates a block inside of you. Life can’t work for you if you don’t show up […]

Fresh breezes and blooming flowers

1.24.2013 | Thursday

category: Wild Woman

Fresh breezes and blooming flowers

reading time: < 1 minute Kiss The Earth by Thich Nhat Hanh Walk and touch peace every moment. Walk and touch happiness every moment. Each step brings a fresh breeze. Each step makes a flower bloom. Kiss the Earth with your feet. Bring the Earth your love and happiness. The Earth will be safe when we […]

The suckiness of change

1.23.2013 | Wednesday

category: Pondering Life
tag(s): ,

The suckiness of change

reading time: 3 minutes I am undeniably fed up with people lately, disturbingly so.  Disturbing because it isn’t any one person or even any one issue that is getting to me.  It is starting to be an almost all-encompassing disgust for humanity in general, with a few notable exceptions.  It’s getting to the point […]

The Bodhisattva’s Vows of Universal Love

1.15.2013 | Tuesday

category: Wild Woman

The Bodhisattva’s Vows of Universal Love

reading time: < 1 minute I love these verses… 16. May those who malign me, or harm me, or accuse me falsely, and others all be recipients of awakening. 17. May I be a protector of the helpless, a guide for those on the path, a boat, a bridge, a way for those who wish to crossover. […]

For the love and wisdom of Mr. Ty

1.15.2013 | Tuesday

category: Kid Tales

For the love and wisdom of Mr. Ty

reading time: 2 minutes Blessed by camouflage… There are times when it really strikes home just how much the Army does for my family, our lives and our futures.  Admittedly, I am an Army girl through and through, regardless of whether or not I still wear the boots.  The Army has given me a […]

Why have I been so quiet?

1.11.2013 | Friday

category: WTH?!
1 Comment

Why have I been so quiet?

reading time: 3 minutes For days, I have wanted to blog.  I have opened it up almost daily and I have written.  And pretty much of it has been unfit for public consumption.  So I have deleted it, stared at it, and eventually given it up.  But the truth is, my blog has always […]