Tag: friends


1.7.2014 | Tuesday

category: Pondering Life
tag(s): ,


reading time: 2 minutes I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about life and relationships, all kinds of relationships… family and friends.  The last several years have had their ups and downs, often more downs than ups.  I watched The Perks of Being a Wallflower recently and a quote from that really struck me. “We […]

Crocheting + Studying = Crudying

9.13.2013 | Friday

category: Craftastic Goodies, Pretty in Pictures
tag(s): ,

Crocheting + Studying = Crudying

reading time: 2 minutes This is what I do during the REALLY long studying sessions I have every day.  I crudy.  The rest of the time I cread and cratch (prounounced "crotch"!).  I am the Multifaceted Mama, and a multitasking one, too!!  My husband, however, refers to my hobby as "crotcheting" (promounced "crochet-et-ing").  He's hilarious. […]

Unraveling the Knots

7.31.2012 | Tuesday

category: Pondering Life
tag(s): , ,

Unraveling the Knots

reading time: 3 minutes “You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run.” -From The Gambler by Kenny Rogers Yesterday, I wrote about boundaries, particularly those in friendships.  As I said yesterday, this has been something that  has been an issue for […]


7.30.2012 | Monday

category: Pondering Life
tag(s): ,


reading time: 4 minutes Last Tuesday, I talked about the fabulous journal prompts offered by Dominee of Blessing Manifesting, Sacred Journey Through Journaling.  One of the things I love about them, besides the fact that they make you think (!), is that you really don't have to do them in order.  I have been doing […]

Monday came too soon,…

11.15.2010 | Monday

category: Daily Drama
tag(s): ,
1 Comment

Monday came too soon,…

reading time: 2 minutes High school at 40,… It amazes me sometimes how much capacity for high school drama grown women can have.  I have enough stress in my every day life without creating more of it.  It makes it hard for you to trust people, to have close friends, when lying and backstabbing […]