Month: August 2021

crocheting like a weirdo

8.31.2021 | Tuesday

category: Craftastic Goodies

crocheting like a weirdo

So I’ve been crocheting since I was eight. My maternal grandmother taught me, and in the years since, I’ve realized she taught me all kinds of crazy. To make it worse, she was a leftie, teaching a rightie. I didn’t realize I was yarning over wrong until several years ago […]

the anger I feel

8.30.2021 | Monday

category: WTH?!

the anger I feel

I’m about to be spicy. If that’s not your jam, move along. I’m not here to play today. It’s utterly mindboggling to me that we are almost eighteen months into a global pandemic, and the same asinine rhetoric is still being spewed, with new asinine rhetoric added to the mix […]

friday 5: itemized

8.27.2021 | Friday

category: Memetastic
tag(s): ,

friday 5: itemized

play along here 1. What item do you own more than one of, while most people own exactly one? If “most people” refers to bookworms, I have more than one Kindle. I have a Kindle Fire, which is my main one. And I have one of the new Kindle Paperwhites. […]

thursday 13: eclectic videos

8.26.2021 | Thursday

category: Memetastic
tag(s): ,

thursday 13: eclectic videos

Today’s thirteen reflects the wide variety of things I watch on YouTube with regularity!! 1. paper crafting I watch a lot of paper crafting videos, even though it’s not something I do very much of. It’s very soothing! 2. Rosanna Pansino I usually watch her on the Try Guys Without […]

I Like Thursday: #259

8.26.2021 | Thursday

category: Memetastic
1 Comment

I Like Thursday: #259

play along here This is a new meme for me, all about the things we’ve liked over the past week. I love the positivity of it! 1. Unicorns & Dragons I got this book of amigurumi patterns for my birthday and I like it so much. The patterns are written […]

saturday 9: woman in love

8.21.2021 | Saturday

category: Memetastic
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saturday 9: woman in love

Saturday 9: woman in love (1980) Unfamiliar with this week’s tune? Hear it here. 1) In this song, Barbra dreams of love. What’s something you’ve been dreaming of, or wishing for, lately? (It doesn’t have to be romantic.) A lot of things that are never going to happen, things of a […]

friday 5: unto others

8.20.2021 | Friday

category: Memetastic
tag(s): ,

friday 5: unto others

play along here 1. When did you last give (or serve) something you cooked to someone not in your residence? Oh, wow. It’s been a while. Since before the pandemic. The Christmas before, actually. I always make a ton of Christmas cookies, enough for us at home and enough for […]