Month: January 2011

Where do you find it?

1.31.2011 | Monday

category: Bitches & Moans
tag(s): ,

Where do you find it?

Sometimes I think that is the biggest obstacle in my life right now,… the lack of inspiration.  It is so easy to fall in a rut when you are a stay at home mom and wife.  Your whole world revolves around your family until you feel like you have lost […]

The Diva vs. The Menfolk

1.28.2011 | Friday

category: Mama Drama
tag(s): ,
1 Comment

The Diva vs. The Menfolk

Where does it all go wrong?!  Clearly, waking up is my first mistake.  I have to get up 15 minutes earl every day because it takes that long to get my husband out of bed.  This is a fact of my reality that never ceases to annoy the living hell […]

WARNING: Bitch Fest Ahead

1.26.2011 | Wednesday

category: Bitches & Moans

WARNING:  Bitch Fest Ahead

I haven’t blogged much lately, mainly because I seem to have a real lack of anything positive to say.  But then I realized that that is exactly why I have  a blog, my own personal therapy to get the vents out.  So that is what I am going to do. […]


1.5.2011 | Wednesday

category: Bitches & Moans


Nothing says loving like being made to feel that I am good for nothing but what I can do or provide for someone.  It’s just delightful.  I am the one that everyone turns to when they want or need something, but the moment I have something going on, it is […]