Tag: wild woman

Happy New Year!

1.1.2014 | Wednesday

category: Pondering Life
tag(s): , ,

Happy New Year!

For the love of 2014 I don’t believe in resolutions.  They are a setup for failure.  I believe in goals.  And I have several… Do what I need to do to get healthier, but not be so hard on myself.  I need to accept my limitations and stop expecting too […]

Crossroads & babies

10.5.2012 | Friday

category: Wild Woman
tag(s): ,

Crossroads & babies

My card of the day scared me a bit today.  But, as in all things tarot and oracle, one can not take a death card literally!  Fortunately!  I have had more than enough of death and loss over the last several years, and I don't need any more of that […]

From the shadows to the light

10.4.2012 | Thursday

category: Wild Woman
1 Comment

From the shadows to the light

This is the first card I drew from my new deck of oracle cards, the Oracle of Shadows & Light.  And if this card is any indication of how this deck is going to work for me, I am on the right path.  I couldn't have picked a more needed card […]


10.1.2012 | Monday

category: Pondering Life
tag(s): ,


I have come to realize that the key to most of the things I need and want is balance.  It is something I need, something I want, and something I don't have.  I guess you can say I am feeling pretty unbalanced at the moment, all though not in a […]

Unraveling the Knots

7.31.2012 | Tuesday

category: Pondering Life
tag(s): , ,

Unraveling the Knots

“You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run.” -From The Gambler by Kenny Rogers Yesterday, I wrote about boundaries, particularly those in friendships.  As I said yesterday, this has been something that  has been an issue for […]