12.21.2015 | Monday

30 Days of Lists: Days 19-21

category: 30 Days of Lists

30Lists December 2015 - List 19Overrated trends… there are so many!  The pic is clickable for a larger view of it and should open in a new window.

Day 19

Credit:  Studio Kathryn kit by Kathryn’s Digital Designs and purchased at Ginger Scraps

30Lists December 2015 - List 20

So many things, so little time!  The pic is clickable for a larger view of it and should open in a new window.

Day 20

Credit:  Another Day kit by Pretty in Green and purchased at Ginger Scraps

30Lists December 2015 - List 21

The signs are everywhere!  The pic is clickable for a larger view of it and should open in a new window.

Day 21

Credit:  Winter Wonder kit by Blue Heart Scraps and purchased at Ginger Scraps

::spread the love::

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