12.15.2023 | Friday

friday mental meanderings & friday 5

category: Memetastic

mental meanderings

i’m a cave troll.

At least that’s how I’m living my life these days. My brain continues to bubble, bubble, toil, and trouble, so I’ve been living in darkness as much as possible. Lit only by the lights of the holiday. I even cook dinner in the light of only the stove hood. There are moments when even my laptop light is too much. Which is difficult, since my work is entirely online. So that’s fun.

i’m a cave troll, but at least I can read and crochet.

For whatever reason, reading doesn’t seem to exacerbate my headache, which seems rather odd. At least, my Kindle doesn’t. Physical books are a different story. I think it’s because my main Kindle is a Fire, and I have it set so that the background is black with the text white. Less glare. And my alternate Kindle is a Paperwhite, which has a matte screen. Yes, I’m bougie and have two Kindles. My Paperwhite is primarily my beach Kindle, as the Fire’s glossy screen creates an impossible glare in the sun.

And oddly, I can still crochet. Which seems like it would be hard to do while living in darkness, and you would be correct. However, I’ve discovered that if I use my neck light, the light isn’t in my eyes, so it’s bearable.

friday 5: go

play along here

1. Which trivial pursuits have recently been most satisfying?

Perhaps I’m a trash panda, but cheesy holiday movies and holiday cozy reading. I’d use the excuse of my headache and these things being comforting, but that would be misleading. I do these things every year, and I’m not ashamed.

2. What’s the riskiest thing you’ve attempted this week?

Going outside to go to the commisssary. I made it one step outside the door, before the sun pierced my brain, and I literally moaned and stumbled back into my cave.

3. What are you definitely not sorry about?

Lately? Self-care. Overall, being the feral, FAFO product of the 1970s and 1980s. A subset of that… being loud with my liberal voice.

4. When it’s all over, what do you hope people will remember about the way you played the game of life?

That I stood for people. That I abhor prejudice and bigotry and hypocrisy.

5. What kind of trouble do you hope to get into this weekend?

I’m not sure I’m in any shape for trouble.

::spread the love::

4 responses to “friday mental meanderings & friday 5

    • Yarn selection is low on Oah’u, but my go to on-island is Ben Franklin’s. I usually go to either the Pearl City one, or the one in Mapunapuna. They both have a decent selection of tools and some yarn, but I buy the majority of my yarn online. JoAnn’s has a lot, but the shipping takes forever. I get most of mine from the Lion Brand website. JoAnn’s and Lion Brand both do digital gift cards, too.

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