Tag: friday 5

friday 5: on the dotted line

12.23.2022 | Friday

category: Memetastic
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friday 5: on the dotted line

1. What did you last put your signature on? A receipt at the store. Nothing too interesting! 2. How legible is your signature? Quite! By all rights, it probably shouldn’t be, due to the sheer amount of hand issues I have. Lots of permament soft tissue damage in both thumbs […]

friday 5: oops

11.4.2022 | Friday

category: Memetastic
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friday 5: oops

play along here 1. When have you recently had to correct one of your errors? Well, I totally missed a plot point in one of the books I’m writing, which meant a huge rewrite. For the better, however! 2. When did you last break something you wish you hadn’t? I […]

friday 5: combo

1.21.2022 | Friday

category: Memetastic
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friday 5: combo

play along here 1. What do you have mixed feelings about? The book world, at least from the author side of it. It can be so cliquey that sometimes it feels very high school. 2. What blended drinks do you enjoy? I love a good smoothie! 3. At social or […]

friday 5: combo

1.7.2022 | Friday

category: Memetastic
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friday 5: combo

play along here 1. What do you have mixed feelings about? The book world, at least from the author side of it. It can be so cliquey that sometimes it feels very high school. 2. What blended drinks do you enjoy? I love a good smoothie! 3. At social or […]

friday 5: obligatory

12.31.2021 | Friday

category: Memetastic
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friday 5: obligatory

play along here 1. In 2021, who made you laugh? My kid. He’s 20, and he developed a weird aspect to his sense of humor since the beginning of COVID. He has this voice he uses when he does bits, and that makes it even funnier. 2. What was a […]

friday 5: brainstorming

12.24.2021 | Friday

category: Memetastic
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friday 5: brainstorming

play along here 1. If you owned a new professional sports team (pick any sport!), what would you name it, and what be its team colors? I don’t even have to think about what sport. Hockey, hands down. And since this is purely for fun, I’m going to put my […]