Tag: friday 5

friday shenanigans & a meme

10.13.2023 | Friday

category: Memetastic
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friday shenanigans & a meme

the shenanigans Yesterday was Man Child #3’s 22nd birthday, and we celebrated by going to get tattoos together. Sometimes I get tattoo envy when I see people with cohesive sleeves of beautiful ink. I have twelve, as of yesterday, and there is absolutely no cohesiveness. But with a single exception, […]

friday 5: gang aft agley

9.29.2023 | Friday

category: Memetastic
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friday 5: gang aft agley

1. When did you last plan a special gathering or event? Other than holidays? It’s been a while. 2. How do you rate yourself as an organizer of activities? A tad anal. I’m a list maker, and I tend to create contingency plans for contingency plan. 3. When did you […]

friday 5: don’t tip the boat over

9.22.2023 | Friday

category: Memetastic
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friday 5: don’t tip the boat over

1. When did you most recently feel you should be dancing? Wednesday night. I was listening to old-school, 80s-era rap, and I was feeling the moment! 2. What hot stuff have you recently consumed? Spicy jambalaya. It was delicious! 3. What kind of side-hustle would be fun to try? Something creative. I use to […]

friday 5: happy hour

9.15.2023 | Friday

category: Memetastic
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friday 5: happy hour

1. During which specific hour of the day are you likeliest to be happy? I don’t know that I have a specific hour! I guess it changes from day to day. 2. Which food-beverage pairings do you feel strongest about? Iced tea and poke. Coffee and cheesecake. White Zin and […]

friday 5: now i lay me down

1.20.2023 | Friday

category: Memetastic
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friday 5: now i lay me down

Ah… sleep, that tease, that tormentor. Clearly, sleep and I do not have a close relationship! 1. What keeps you up at night? I mean, really, what doesn’t? On bad nights… nightmares, morbid thoughts, deep thoughts on my own humanity, the clock ticking… the usual dark and morbid things. On […]

friday 5: in with the old

1.6.2023 | Friday

category: Memetastic
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friday 5: in with the old

1. How did you celebrate your most recent birthday? Just hung out with the family, ordered in Cholo’s mexican food. Pretty low key! 2. What was the subject of a list you recently composed? A list of ingredients to use for making ice cream. 3. What did you most recently […]