Category: School Days

A little bit of insight…

9.10.2014 | Wednesday

category: Pondering Life, School Days
tag(s): ,

A little bit of insight…

reading time: 2 minutes I had a homework assignment this week for my Craft and Practice in Creative Writing class.  It was an “observation and reflection” free-writing exercise for which we were to take 20-30 minutes in some familiar setting.  For the first 10-15 minutes, we had to simply observe on our surroundings, considering the external […]

College and Crochet

10.28.2013 | Monday

category: Craftastic Goodies, School Days
tag(s): ,

College and Crochet

reading time: 2 minutes A little bit of Hermione… I am truly loving most of my classes this semester!  I only have one that is a traditional classroom setting, albeit an online one.  That is my Mythology and Modern Life class.  I really am loving my class in terms of what I am studying.  My […]

Faeries in my future

11.6.2012 | Tuesday

category: School Days
tag(s): ,
1 Comment

Faeries in my future

reading time: 2 minutes Today is a big day in my world.  It is registration day for next semester and, of course, it is Election Day.  I have registered for 4 classes, although I may need to add another.  Then there is the question of financial aid.  Will I still be eligible if I […]

I was so ready to move…

6.21.2012 | Thursday

category: Army Life, School Days

I was so ready to move…

reading time: 2 minutes I was so ready to move to Arizona this summer, so ready.  After the last several years, most particularly this last one, starting over in a new place sounded wonderful.  We are still going to move, but nearly as soon as we initially thought, which was within the net few […]

Bus accident

10.21.2010 | Thursday

category: Kid Tales, School Days, Viral Vids
tag(s): ,

Bus accident

reading time: < 1 minute Pretty scary stuff, since this accident happened just down the road from us.  We live just outside village limits and this bus goes the opposite direction on the same road.  Fortunately, there were only 5 minor injuries, like bumps and bruises.  I didn’t even know about it until I was […]