Category: Pondering Life

Living the Dream

3.3.2017 | Friday

category: My Favorite Things, Pondering Life

Living the Dream

reading time: 2 minutes I want nothing more than to stay in Hawaii when Corey ‘s time is up in the Army.  This place is my soul home and it would break my heart to leave.  I’ve been doing lots and lots of research, looking for affordable homes in paradise.  And that is not […]

Moving forward…

2.2.2017 | Thursday

category: Pondering Life

Moving forward…

reading time: 2 minutes So it has been a very long time since I’ve written.  Life took a downward turn, which I wrote about here.  I suppose I had a rough time adjusting to that for a lot of reasons.  I had a lot of dark days that really took a lot out of […]

A little bit of insight…

9.10.2014 | Wednesday

category: Pondering Life, School Days
tag(s): ,

A little bit of insight…

reading time: 2 minutes I had a homework assignment this week for my Craft and Practice in Creative Writing class.  It was an “observation and reflection” free-writing exercise for which we were to take 20-30 minutes in some familiar setting.  For the first 10-15 minutes, we had to simply observe on our surroundings, considering the external […]

Living, Learning, and Feeding the Soul

Living, Learning, and Feeding the Soul

reading time: 3 minutes Living and Learning I am a big believer in trying to find a silver lining or lesson in everything that happens in life.  That’s my way of trying to make something good of situations and experiences that are often anything but good.  Sometimes those lessons are positive; sometimes they aren’t.  But […]

Where do you go from here?

3.7.2014 | Friday

category: Pondering Life
1 Comment

Where do you go from here?

reading time: 2 minutes I suck at letting go.  I can also torture myself with the best of them.  I can make connections between things that happen that will lay me out.  No matter how hard I try not to, I let the asshats get to me.  Add to all of that, there are […]

Owning it and accepting it…

1.16.2014 | Thursday

category: Pondering Life

Owning it and accepting it…

reading time: 2 minutes This has been one of those days when I have had moments of being inexplicably angry and unbelievably sad.  I spent most of the morning trying to ignore it and it has gotten me nowhere except throbbing in pain from a stress neck ache.  That’s no good. Owning it… I […]

A down day…

1.8.2014 | Wednesday

category: Pondering Life

A down day…

reading time: 2 minutes There is a down side to being reflective.  Memories.  Frustration.  Sadness.  The reminder of how little faith in humanity I have these days.  As much as I don’t want to revisit these things, there is no way to cope and to heal without working through them.  But denying it or […]


1.7.2014 | Tuesday

category: Pondering Life
tag(s): ,


reading time: 2 minutes I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about life and relationships, all kinds of relationships… family and friends.  The last several years have had their ups and downs, often more downs than ups.  I watched The Perks of Being a Wallflower recently and a quote from that really struck me. “We […]

Happy New Year!

1.1.2014 | Wednesday

category: Pondering Life
tag(s): , ,

Happy New Year!

reading time: < 1 minute For the love of 2014 I don’t believe in resolutions.  They are a setup for failure.  I believe in goals.  And I have several… Do what I need to do to get healthier, but not be so hard on myself.  I need to accept my limitations and stop expecting too […]

2013 in Review

12.31.2013 | Tuesday

category: Pondering Life

2013 in Review

reading time: 2 minutes I honestly don’t want to remember most of 2013.  It was a year of sadness, betrayal, frustration, and heartbreak.  There were moments of happiness, but they were so few and far between. Just about a year ago, I found out that I was unexpectedly pregnant.  And I was filled with […]