Noteworthy blogs,…
Every once in awhile I come across a new blog that really gets to me. A few months ago I ran across a blog called Can’t Hardly Wait. I don’t even remember how I found it now. The writer is Georgette, a 20-something mom of a toddler who has had all kinds of marital issues. She is completely honest and irreverant when she talks about her life, not sugar coating a thing. Sometimes the things she writes about aren’t PC or pretty, but they are real and I really like that. The other noteworthy blog of the moment is Clusterfook – It Is What It Is. A few days ago I read this post at Sarah’s blog and found myself at this blog and am glad I did. The blogger’s name is Lisa, a mom of two, and she has cancer. Her blog, like Georgette’s, is raw and honest. She is upfront about her cancer, and her feelings about it. I found it on the day she posted that she was stopping chemo and going home under hospice care. This is her third round with cancer and the treatments just aren’t working so she made the decision to go home and spend her time with her family. It is a heart wrernching story to read, but beautiful in its own way. :worship:
My question for you,… is there a blog (or 2 or 3) like that out there for you? I would love links to new noteworthy blogs to read.
Apple Green Warmth
I love it when I can make something for myself and get a bargain out of it, too! Last Thanksgiving (2007), I found some yummy green yarn in my dad’s stash and whipped up a hat for myself out of it with a borrowed hook. Yes, my dad knits (on looms), and quite well, too. The yarn is JoAnn Sensations Rainbow Classic in Green/Gray. It is nothing super exciting or expensive, being a HUGE skein of 615 yards at $8.99. I, however, got it for $6, the same price it is currently on sale for online. It is super soft, warm, and easy on the hands to work with, so I decided to make a shrug of my own design out of it. I have one sleeve done, the other more than half done, and the back is a cinch, just a flat rectangle to do. I have barely made a dent in the skein, so I figure my shrug needs a hood. Perfect for days like today when it is too cold to do much of anything! :cow2:
OMG!!! I freakin’ loved Can’t Hardly Wait! I laughed and laughed reading her blog…she is just so real. Thanks for pointing us to her blog. I will definitely be returning to her blog. I hope you are feeling better girl! Hugs!
Hiya Kiki,I think that can’t hardly wait is what blogs should be about.. I try to write as honestly as i can, sometimes its not always pretty, but again my life is pretty much simple.. Thanks for sharing that link I am gonna go and give her a good read..
You know you commented about your dad knitting, I have never seen loom knitting so I don’t really know what it’s all about.. I think it’s great that anyone knits or does crafty work, where has all the hand made stuff gone these days??..
While I am here just to let you know I have updated my url too if you would like to visit me again..