Category: Political Madness

Griner, Whelan, & The Merchant of Death

12.9.2022 | Friday

category: Political Madness

Griner, Whelan, & The Merchant of Death

I wish the anger associated with the release of Brittney Griner from the Russian penal colony was less surprising. However, it is not. The last several years have made it very clear that expecting the best from humanity is rather pointless. The underlying rhetoric is that one American life has […]


11.9.2022 | Wednesday

category: Political Madness
1 Comment


That’s the word for how I feel. Elections in this time and in this country are about social issues more than anything else. Elections are about human rights. About the rights of women’s bodily autonomy. About the rights of the BIPOC community. About the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community. About […]

with bated breath

11.8.2022 | Tuesday

category: Political Madness

with bated breath

With bated breath, I will spend my election day. With bated breath, I will wait to see if I should feel hopeful again. With bated breath, I will wait to see a glimpse of the future for this country. I’ll be honest. I have little hope this morning. I’ve seen […]

FFS, get a clue…

1.5.2022 | Wednesday

category: Political Madness, WTH?!
tag(s): ,

FFS, get a clue…

I just watched an interview on TV with Jenna Ryan, the twatwaffle realtor from Frisco who got busted for her part in last year’s insurrection. She’s the one that tweeted, pre-sentencing… “Sorry, I have blonde hair, white skin, a great job, a great future, and I’m not going to jail,” […]

Fuck Texas

9.1.2021 | Wednesday

category: Political Madness, WTH?!
tag(s): ,

Fuck Texas

Let me preface this… I’m solidly pro-choice. Solidly. I don’t judge you if you don’t want abortions, and I don’t judge if you choose to have one. I 100% support YOUR CHOICE! Texas is a hypocritical, GOP suckhole. A statement that largely holds true for ALL GOP-led states. “My body, […]

Bin Laden is dead,…

5.2.2011 | Monday

category: Bitches & Moans, Political Madness

Bin Laden is dead,…

Bin Laden is dead.  Some part of me never really thought that would ever happen.  It goes against most everything I believe in to celebrate a death, but in many ways, I do.  There were so many lost on that fateful day, and on the days since.  Friends, family, brothers […]