Category: Daily Drama

welcome, 2025…

1.1.2025 | Wednesday

category: Daily Drama, This & That

welcome, 2025…

and good riddance to 2024… Not even going to bother recapping the year, even though I missed blogging for its entirety. It was… a year. That’s really all there is to say. There were good moments, to be sure, but all in all, it was an utter disappointment. I had […]

The Stress Spiral

8.19.2012 | Sunday

category: Army Life, Daily Drama
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The Stress Spiral

 &  The past few days have thoroughly tested me, over and over again.  Not falling into old ways of thinking and old patterns has been, at times, a hell of a struggle. I had a moment the other night when it felt like everything I was trying to do for […]

Bamboo shoots & sadists

7.20.2011 | Wednesday

category: Daily Drama

Bamboo shoots & sadists

It is almost 2pm and my right eye still feels as if I have been tortured by bamboo shoot-wielding sadists.  All around my tear duct.  It throbs and there are occasional shooting pains as if those nasty little sadists are pushing those shoots in deeper, all while giggling maniacally.  Fantastic.  […]