Category: Family Stuff

Life as a Household 6!

10.5.2009 | Monday

category: Army Life, Family Stuff

Life as a Household 6!

reading time: 2 minutes NOTE:  Click here for a definition of Household 6! Sometimes something happens that just slaps you in the face with just where your spouse is.  Saturday morning, I got a call from my FRG (Family Readiness Group, the unit support group for family members) leader to call my people with […]

Introducing Seamus,…

9.12.2009 | Saturday

category: Family Stuff

Introducing Seamus,…

reading time: < 1 minute A little humor in the face of adversity goes a long way.  My dad, my brother Tripp and his girlfriend Ashley came over last night to go out to dinner with the kids and I for Donovan’s birthday.  During the course of dinner, we got talking about his cancer.  My […]

Has Hell frozen over?!

8.17.2009 | Monday

category: Family Stuff

Has Hell frozen over?!

reading time: 2 minutes So the weirdness began when I started seeing my ex-husband’s name and picture start popping up on my “suggested friends” section of my Facebook profile a few weeks ago.  Considering that the last time I spoke to him was spring/summer of 2000, it was a little unnerving.  At the time […]