Category: This & That

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5.4.2021 | Tuesday

category: This & That

relatable content

Every now and then, I come across something that serves me the realest realness. Here are some of my latest greatest… (I love rhyming!) “You can be a good person with a kind spirit and still tell people to go fuck themselves when needed.” -my friend Dru Truth. Being a […]

Weekends & Mondays

2.4.2013 | Monday

category: This & That

Weekends & Mondays

E aloha kekahi i kekahi. (Love one another.) Hawaiian proverb Weekend in the Lady Lair I buried myself in nothing but relaxation this weekend, feeling like poo and needing a bit of a mental health break.  I spent the weekend lounging in the Lady Lair, watching all eight Harry Potter […]

Adventures in Man Land

10.29.2009 | Thursday

category: This & That

Adventures in Man Land

Being the married single woman that I am at the moment, all things plumbing fall within my realm of responsibility.  So, Tuesday afternoon, I headed into traditional Man Land to buy a flapper.  No, I was not out buying an escort into role playing girls doing the Charleston.  I needed […]

This & That, and pictures, too!

This & That, and pictures, too!

My kindergarten graduate! I am so glad there is waterproof mascara, because I SO needed it for graduation! It wasn’t just a kindergarten ceremony this year; they had a “moving on” ceremony for the 5th graders because they are all headed to the Middle School next year. So the littles […]

♥ Accepting Applications ♥

6.17.2009 | Wednesday

category: This & That

♥ Accepting Applications ♥

Yesterday, I posted an ad on Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter, but the 140 character limit imposed by Twitter and (the service I use for simultaneous posting) severely limited my ad.  So I thought I would post an expanded advertisement here, too, just in case a future cabana boy happens […]