12.19.2014 | Friday

Taking a step…

category: Book Talk

So, I took a big step recently and finally went about sending in some letters and submissions to various places.  I have a few pieces of writing that I have been working on and were ready, so I sent them and now the waiting game begins.  One is romantic comedy, another is horror, and the other is dystopian.  All three are short stories and I did get a bite back on one of them and that looks promising!

I am working on a dystopian piece that I really like and I hoping to finish that soon.  After editing, that will be my next manuscript to shop around.

I took a class this last semester that truly helped with the motivation.  Let’s face it, the last couple of years have been pretty rotten and there has been no motivation to write.  But this was a great group of students and the sharing nature of them and the class really helped.  Some of the specific assignments really spoke to me, both in topic and technique, and that has been invaluable.  I am crossing my fingers that this helps me get started with what I have wanted to do for a very long time!

I have also created an author site, although it isn’t live yet.  That was actually the product of another class this semester.  I like it, but I am not ready to send it live yet.  But the link will be here when I do make it live.  I am going to purchase a separate domain for that when the time comes.  A little sneak peek screenshot of the splash page…


::spread the love::

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