5.28.2021 | Friday

friday 5: aha!

category: Memetastic
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play along here

1. When did you most recently find money?

I found a twenty in a backpack I haven’t used in almost six years. That was

2. When have you lost something and got it back because someone submitted it to a lost-and-found?

Not a thing. I’m usually pretty good about not losing things. But when I do, whatever it is that I’ve lost is gone forever!

3. What did you discover about yourself at your favorite place of employment?

I don’t know if it was the favorite place of employment, since I love being a writer. But it was the place I learned the most about myself. It was when I was still in the US Army, at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. I was the head of the IRB team, which worked overnight. Basically, we were in charge of the initial processing of soldiers coming to post as newbies for basic training or prior service coming back to active duty. During the summer, we processed sometimes as many as 2000 soldiers a week. We got them in, briefed them on a whole bunch of stuff, got them rostered into their units, issued them initial PT uniforms, processed their records from MEPS. And a whole lot more. Before that summer, I was sometimes painfully shy. Me and public speaking did not go well. But I got pushed into the position of team leader, so it was sink or swim. I chose to swim. I pushed past my fear and realized I wasn’t so bad at it. Most valuable lesson!

4. What was the last thing you peeled?

The plastic off a pack of face masks… the spa kind not the pandemic kind. These masks, actually.

5. What was the most recent gift you unwrapped?

A box of beautiful chopsticks my son gave me for Mother’s Day. They were metallic and rainbowy!

::spread the love::

3 responses to “friday 5: aha!

  1. Learning things in sink-or-swim situations is always a nice surprise, but I wonder what would have happened if you’d sunk? What if you’d been one of those who just never gets over the fear of speaking in front of others? I would hope there’d be some way to extend you some grace — still doing the important parts of the job while letting someone else do the speaking, maybe?

    • My NCO was amazing, and if it had been really bad on me, he would have switched up. He said later that he saw something in me and wanted to give me the push I needed. I will forever thank him for that!

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