6.30.2021 | Wednesday

wednesday hodgepodge: 425

category: Memetastic
tag(s): ,

1. It’s been said the best things in life are free…are they? What are some of those things?

I think most things come with a cost, whether big or small. The cost may not be to you but to others. Nor is cost solely monetary. I was going to put libraries on my list, but then I realized that while it is free for me to borrow books, there’s a cost to the libraries to purchase the book. (Although I can tell you as an author, it’s a small cost per e-book title. I make between $.59 and $1.78 per book sold to library services, less than I do on retail platforms.) Even things like hugs… if nothing else, the Coronapocalypse has shown that there is often a cost to be paid there, too. All that being said… the cost is often worth it.

2. Stars or stripes? Red, white, or blue? Apple pie or home made ice cream? Do you like hotdogs? If so, what do you like on yours?

To be honest, after 33+ years in and married to the Army, I’m kind of over the stars and stripes/red, white, and blue thing. Not the flag, but the decor. It seems like it’s a thing in EVERY. MILITARY. HOUSEHOLD. It gets old! And I refuse to choose between apple pie or ice cream. I WANT BOTH!

3. One thing on your summer bucket list? Any plans to make it happen soon?

I’m hoping to be able to do something with the family for my birhtday in August. My big 5-0 last year was a bust, thanks to the Coronapocalypse. However, hubby may still be in Guam, so who knows?

4. What’s your summer anthem? Yes, you need to have one.

5. What’s something you love about America? If you live outside of America, tell us something you love about the place you call home.

I love the people who make up America that still believe that we can be better. The ones that believe that diversity is something to be celebrated rather than used as an excuse to hate. The ones that believe that love is love.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

From AGT last night, Gansta Grass seems like the perfect follow-on from #5…

The first is the OG version, which contains a single swear word. The second is the AGT version, which starts at about 2:10. The OG version is my fave.

::spread the love::

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