7.6.2021 | Tuesday

tuesday 4: blogging

category: Memetastic
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reading time: < 1 minute

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1.  Tell us about your blog.  When did you start blogging?

I started blogging in 2001, pre-Wordpress. That was back in a day when it was still a handcoded blog. It was “Kiki’s Garden Grove,” a name that seems dumb now. Then for years it was “Multifaceted Mama,” which was apt. But I was carrying two domains at that point, the multifacetedmama dot com and my author site at this domain. I didn’t feel like paying double. So I transferred it to a subdomain, since I have plenty of room. “In My Words” felt like the right name.

I actually have a few blogs, but this one is my personal one. My book blog is the other one I use a lot.

2.  What prompted you to begin blogging?

My mom. Some of you may remember her… Connie of Connie’s Sandstone Haven. She was blogging and in the country graphics community and got me involved.

3.  What was your first blog about and why did you choose that subject/title?

My blog now is what it’s always been about… my life, my thoughts. Why did I choose that name… I didn’t. My mom came up with it.

4.  How has your blog changed over time, and has it done for you what you hoped it would do in the first place?

I don’t think it’s changed much. I’ve always blogged about the same kinds of things. Life. I think I’ve become a lot less apolegetic on it, though. I don’t censor myself as much as I once did. I let it go for a few years, and I realized how much I missed it. It’s a great way to get stuff out of the cranium.

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5 responses to “tuesday 4: blogging

  1. You started really early on! It sure was hard in those early days having to learn all the coding stuff, I have no idea how in the world I figured it all out! Thanks for sharing your blogging journey with us. :)

  2. Hi Kim, I do remember you and your mom from the “olden days” of country web homes. So many woman have like your mom, Nancze, Toni, Marge have passed. Sadly life comes and goes. You are blessed to be living in Hawaii! My family is trying to decide if we are going back to Oahu or Maui for our next visit in the spring of 2022. We were going to go in the fall, but with Covid restrictions and lack of transportation, we pushed it back. Thanks for visiting my blog. I still have my website up and it is linked at my Blog. I am sure I have some of your mom’s awards on some of my pages when we did Darylynn’s Homework.


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