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2023 has been a celestial year with 13 full moons, 4 of which are supermoons. The next time we will have 13 is in 2026, with a blue moon in May. My list is based on the northern hemisphere.
- 6 January: Wolf Moon. The Wolf Moon’s name is inspired by the sound of hungry wolves. It is the full moon in Cancer.
- 5 February: Snow Moon. The Snow Moon refers to the snow that traditionally blankets the ground in the northern hemisphere at this time. This one is the full moon in Leo.
- 7 March: Worm Moon. The Worm Moon is named after the earthworms in the ground that herald the coming thaw. This full moon is in Virgo.
- 6 April: Pink Moon. The Pink Moon honors the blossoming of pink wildflowers. This moon is in Libra.
- 5 May: Flower Moon. The Flower Moon refers to the blooming of spring flowers. This full moon is in Scorpio.
- 4 June: Strawberry Moon. The Strawberry Moon honors the beginning of the strawberry harvest season. This moon is in Sagittarius.
- 3 July: Super Buck Moon. The Buck Moon refers to the new-growth antlers on bucks. This moon was a supermoon, which is when a full moon occurs at the point of its orbit that is closest to the Earth. This full moon is in Capricorn.
- 1 August: Super Sturgeon Moon. The Sturgeon Moon is named for the abundant sturgeon fish in the rivers. The second super moon of the year. This moon is in Aquarius.
- 31 August: Super Blue Moon. A Blue Moon comes from a 16th-century expression, “the moon is blue,” meaning something that was impossible. The third super moon. This moon is in Pisces.
- 29 September: Super Corn (Harvest) Moon. The Harvest, or Corn, Moon heralds the beginning of the corn harvest season. The last super moon of the year. This full moon is in Aries.
- 28 October: Hunter’s Moon. The Hunter’s Moon signifies hunting season before winter begins. This moon is in Taurus.
- 27 November: Beaver Moon. The Beaver Moon refers to the time when beavers build their winter dams. This moon is in Gemini.
- 27 December: Cold Moon. The Cold Moon referst to the cold of winter. This full moon is in Cancer.
I love the moon, it is my favorite celestial body. Great post!
I am always out looking at the full moon each month!! Wonder what that makes me.. but then again, I am a Cancerian..