Category: Mama Drama


8.15.2011 | Monday

category: Bitches & Moans, Mama Drama
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What exactly does it take for the importance of a given situation to get through to a 9 year old boy?  I get that at 9, there is a limited capability of some things, but this is just ridiculous.  There are times when the situation is important enough that the […]

I don’t get paid enough for this BS.

7.8.2011 | Friday

category: Mama Drama
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I don’t get paid enough for this BS.

I swear sometimes that I must talk to my children in Swahili.  Or serious issues with English comprehension.  Or they are suffering from senility.  Maybe all three.  Dealing with various children yesterday and today have led me to think that conversing with drywall would have been far more engaging.  I […]

Face Plants & a Beast of Terror

7.7.2011 | Thursday

category: Mama Drama
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Face Plants & a Beast of Terror

Technically, it’s a Thursday.  But I am fairly certain that it is actually a Monday thinly veiled as a Thursday.  Either that or I am completely incapable of life today.  Honestly, it could be either.  I rolled out of bed this morning, a full hour before I needed to be, […]

Hair goo + shower caps = Sexy Mama

7.6.2011 | Wednesday

category: Mama Drama
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Hair goo + shower caps = Sexy Mama

I’m telling you, sometimes it is terribly hard to manage all the sexiness that is me.  It’s a burden, but a burden I have to bear nonetheless.  This morning, I woke up refreshed after about 7 hours of good sleep after 48 hours running on about 30 minutes of sleep.  […]

To hell with “Mother’s Day”,…

5.8.2011 | Sunday

category: Mama Drama
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1 Comment

To hell with “Mother’s Day”,…

Apparently Mother’s Day is just another day to say “screw you” to me.  Not one of the three children still living here even remembered it was Mother’s Day until it was pointed out to them.  I didn’t even hear from the fourth until moments ago, although his friends wished me […]

The Diva vs. The Menfolk

1.28.2011 | Friday

category: Mama Drama
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1 Comment

The Diva vs. The Menfolk

Where does it all go wrong?!  Clearly, waking up is my first mistake.  I have to get up 15 minutes earl every day because it takes that long to get my husband out of bed.  This is a fact of my reality that never ceases to annoy the living hell […]