Category: Mama Drama

The blahs,…

12.18.2009 | Friday

category: Bitches & Moans, Mama Drama

The blahs,…

I have barely blogged at all this month but I have had no motivation whatsoever to do it.  I haven’t had anything positive to say and I have enough negativity in my head without having to release it on the world!!  Corey will be home in less than a week […]

On mothering boys,…

12.14.2009 | Monday

category: Kid Tales, Mama Drama
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1 Comment

On mothering boys,…

Sometimes mothering boys is a lot like running an obstacle course.  You just never know what they are going to throw in your way.  Sometimes it is these crazy off the wall questions that no parenting book EVER covers.  Other times, it is just the insane things they do that leave […]

Coiffed, waxed, & plucked!

9.29.2009 | Tuesday

category: Mama Drama

Coiffed, waxed, & plucked!

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate rain?!  Especially when I have just been to the salon and gotten my hair done?!  Yuck.  I got my roots done this morning, which was beyond needed.  It was getting to the point where the roots were longer than the blonde.  Okay, […]

I wanna have a hissy fit!!

9.16.2009 | Wednesday

category: Mama Drama

I wanna have a hissy fit!!

Sometimes I just want to throw my hands up and throw myself a complete screaming, hissy fit.  I want to scream at the top of my lungs, throw things, and basically just lose my damn mind for a moment or two.  I know it probably wouldn’t change a damn thing, […]

It’s official. I am old!

8.12.2009 | Wednesday

category: Holidayze, Mama Drama
1 Comment

It’s official.  I am old!

That’s right!  I am 39.  And, no, I am not ashamed to admit it!  I am also a cougar, and not ashamed of that, either!  I still get mistaken for 10 years younger, so I am OKAY!  I may be bigger than I used to be, but I have a […]