Category: Pretty in Pictures

Pumpkins & flowers

10.22.2009 | Thursday

category: Daily Drama, Pretty in Pictures

Pumpkins & flowers

reading time: 2 minutes Note to self,… A mug resembling a pumpkin may be cute, but may not be the easiest thing from which to drink the blood of life without dribbling. Yes, I learned that this morning. Fortunately, I managed to just dribble down the chin and not on the clothes! I bought […]

This & That, and pictures, too!

This & That, and pictures, too!

reading time: 3 minutes My kindergarten graduate! I am so glad there is waterproof mascara, because I SO needed it for graduation! It wasn’t just a kindergarten ceremony this year; they had a “moving on” ceremony for the 5th graders because they are all headed to the Middle School next year. So the littles […]