Who knew?
I had to take Ty to the ENT clinic at the hospital in Watertown on Friday and the whole process ended up being the most amusing part of my week! He needs a hearing test for school, but because of his cleft, one ear doesn’t drain as it should. So his doctor wanted to send him to an ENT doctor to get his ears flushed out so that the test would be accurate. So I picked him up from school and off we went. I don’t know what they put in his lunch that day, because the child was INSANE on the trip there! He was just crazy funny, being silly the whole way. We finally got to the hospital and that was an adventure in and of itself. They have been doing major construction there for the last few years and every time you go, you have to park somewhere else and enter somewhere else. I hadn’t been there since my dad had spinal surgery a couple years ago, so I had no idea where I was going to end up. We found a place to park, no problem, not far from the temporary entrance to the hospital. We went in and asked where the clinic was,… and it was WAY across the building, of course! We got in there and the doctor checked his ears and the verdict was ICK! So that is when the fun began. Because his ear doesn’t drain well, the buildup is bigger than the hole, so she had to separate it with her medieval-looking tools and suction it out. None of this is painful, but it definately is uncomfortable. But somehow, my child fell asleep. She was digging in his ear, using the suction (which was LOUD), and he was out like a light, snoring like a freight train! The doctor laughed hysterically because apparently she had never had anyone fall asleep while she was digging in their ears. It was too funny! It took us almost 5 minutes to get him awake and he was clueless as to where he was for a few minutes after that! Silly boy!
Retail therapy is a good thing!
I had a REALLY bad week last week, so I decided I had earned a little retail therapy for myself. So I bought myself a new, MUCH nicer digital camera. It is a Samsung SL-102 and it was only $129 at Wal-Mart. My last one was only a 1 megapixel, and this one is 10.2. It has full video and sound, and some photo editing right on the camera itself. I have it set at a mid-level photo resolution, and with the 2 gig card, I can take almost 1600 pics before needing to download. I have only taken a few pictures and am still learning my around it, but I like it so far. The ones I have taken have needed a WHOLE lot less editing than my old camera gave me. My practice pics, all clickable to see full size!
Like a chicken with my head cut off!
That pretty much describes my life lately! But there is never a dull moment, I suppose. I have an entire list of “To Do’s” today, including a track meet to go to, hair cuts for the three youngest tomorrow after school, eye appointments for Donovan and I on Thursday morning, Ka’lani’s spring concert on Thursday night, and track meets on both Friday and Saturday! To top it off, Prom is Saturday, so I have to drive to Canton to pick up his tux, pull money for dinner, pick up flowers, and rush him to get his hair cut after the meet on Saturday. And at some point, I have to drive to Potsdam to trade trucks with my dad, since his truck is pimped out and much cooler to drive he and his date around in. My dad has a Chevy HHR in bright red, with tricked out detailing along the sides. The inside is black and red, with a retro look to it. Complete with sun roof, it is a sweet ride! All the better that I get to drive it!!
Yay for new cameras! Open an Etsy shop and you can write it off as a business expense. ;) Have fun driving to prom!!
That is so funny he fell asleep!!!! Sounds like you have a lot going on…prom should be fun, have fun driving them to it. I have been thinking abotu you and missing you ~ Sending you love and lots of hugs ! Oh and great pictures !
My husband had to go over to the hospital yesterday. The parking there has always been terrible..now it’s just downright stupid! I hope it’s improved with the parking garage.