Category: Pretty in Pictures

Living, Learning, and Feeding the Soul

Living, Learning, and Feeding the Soul

reading time: 3 minutes Living and Learning I am a big believer in trying to find a silver lining or lesson in everything that happens in life.  That’s my way of trying to make something good of situations and experiences that are often anything but good.  Sometimes those lessons are positive; sometimes they aren’t.  But […]

Crocheting + Studying = Crudying

9.13.2013 | Friday

category: Craftastic Goodies, Pretty in Pictures
tag(s): ,

Crocheting + Studying = Crudying

reading time: 2 minutes This is what I do during the REALLY long studying sessions I have every day.  I crudy.  The rest of the time I cread and cratch (prounounced "crotch"!).  I am the Multifaceted Mama, and a multitasking one, too!!  My husband, however, refers to my hobby as "crotcheting" (promounced "crochet-et-ing").  He's hilarious. […]

The first-born is home,…

10.23.2010 | Saturday

category: Kid Tales, Pretty in Pictures

The first-born is home,…

reading time: < 1 minute But only for the weekend!  We haven’t seen him since the day we moved him into the dorms near the end of August, so it has been TOO long!  So, gotta cram in the love in the short time we have before he goes back tomorrow!  So, a few pics,… […]

Bloggy issues & news from the front

11.2.2009 | Monday

category: Army Life, Pretty in Pictures

Bloggy issues & news from the front

reading time: < 1 minute What the blog?! Sometimes I truly think my blog is possessed by gremlins.  A few months ago, overnight all my plugin files disappeared from my server, making my blog function about as well as I do at 0515 before coffee.  That is to say,… it didn’t work.  This morning, I […]