11.2.2009 | Monday

Bloggy issues & news from the front

category: Army Life, Pretty in Pictures

What the blog?!
Sometimes I truly think my blog is possessed by gremlins.  A few months ago, overnight all my plugin files disappeared from my server, making my blog function about as well as I do at 0515 before coffee.  That is to say,… it didn’t work.  This morning, I logged on, hoping for a quick blog before hitting the deck with my NaNoWriMo writing.  Yeah, that didn’t happen.  For some unknown reason, when in the “Add New” area of the post section, none of the formating buttons were there and I couldn’t publish what I had written.  Then I realized all the submenus were acting funny, also for no apparent reason.  So after indulging in a quick cuss, I spent the last half hour once again uploading the myriad of files that make up WordPress and it seems that it drove the gremlins away once more.  Weird. 

News from the Camou Spa
Soldier Daddy sent me some more pics to share!  Just click on them to see them full-size and with captions.

The invasion of the Jordanian goats,…

 Some prettiness in a not-so-pretty combat zone

A couple views of the flight line,…

The view of the flight line!Another view of the flight line!

And a couple random shots of the stormy sky, and my Soldier Daddy as we chatted online!

Stormy weather overhead!My Soldier Daddy as we talked online!

::spread the love::

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