Category: Army Life

Anniversaries and Army life

4.10.2014 | Thursday

category: Army Life, Family Stuff

Anniversaries  and Army life

I think that Army marriages should have some kind alternative numbering system.  I wrote a status about our anniversary on Sunday, joking about how rarely we are together for it.  Counting this year, we have been together for exactly one half of our anniversaries.  The balance is starting to tip […]

The Stress Spiral

8.19.2012 | Sunday

category: Army Life, Daily Drama
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The Stress Spiral

 &  The past few days have thoroughly tested me, over and over again.  Not falling into old ways of thinking and old patterns has been, at times, a hell of a struggle. I had a moment the other night when it felt like everything I was trying to do for […]

Wednesday Wishes!

8.15.2012 | Wednesday

category: Army Life, Memetastic, Pondering Life

Wednesday Wishes!

Craziness.  That is the word of the times.  Moving across the country with three kids, two cats, one dog, and two cars.  Leaving one college-age kid behind.  Leaving family and friends behind.  All of this leads to crazy emotional roller coasters.   NOTE:  All pics are clickable into a new […]

Changes are afoot!

7.13.2012 | Friday

category: Army Life, Pondering Life

Changes are afoot!

We are finally moving, something I was beginning to think would never happen.  We have a pack out date with transportation on August 23rd and pick up on the 24th.  We are rolling out for our cross-country road trip on the 29th.  We have been stationed here for 7+ years, […]

I was so ready to move…

6.21.2012 | Thursday

category: Army Life, School Days

I was so ready to move…

I was so ready to move to Arizona this summer, so ready.  After the last several years, most particularly this last one, starting over in a new place sounded wonderful.  We are still going to move, but nearly as soon as we initially thought, which was within the net few […]