9.13.2013 | Friday

Crocheting + Studying = Crudying

category: Craftastic Goodies, Pretty in Pictures
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This is what I do during the REALLY long studying sessions I have every day.  I crudy.  The rest of the time I cread and cratch (prounounced "crotch"!).  I am the Multifaceted Mama, and a multitasking one, too!!  My husband, however, refers to my hobby as "crotcheting" (promounced "crochet-et-ing").  He's hilarious.  I have gotten really good at doing it with only a small amount of having to look at what I am actually doing.  Of course, I can only do it with projects that are easy or that I know well!!  My kids, however, think I am AMAZINGLY talented at this!

We just got a Hobby Lobby in Sierra Vista (southern Arizona, outside our post, Fort Huachuca) and they had a wicked grand opening sale.  I scored cute pink sheers for my Lady Lair for $3 a panel for 4 panels, along with a jeweled finial rod for about $7.  And yarn…!  I was kind of disappointed in the selection.  50 million of their own brand and limited quantities of Red Heart, Lion Brand, and Caron.  They had a decent selection of Lily Sugar n' Cream, though, which is great for ktichen goodies and bath scrubbies.  I was hesitant to try the HL house brand because a lot of times you get what you pay for with the cheaper stuff.  Red Heart Super Saver, for example, tears up my hands, although I love their Soft and Fiesta lines.  But it was on a wicked sale so I bought a couple skeins of their house brand I Love This Yarn Stripes.  I am using the Jazz stripes right now in my Meshtastic Poncho that I designed, linked to the pattern.  AND I FREAKING LOVE THE STUFF!  It's easy on the hands, is nice and cushy, and the prints are overdyed so they are nice and rich.  No problems with splitting AT ALL.  I read some reviews that there are often mid-skein knots, but I have seen none of this so far.  Love it, love the colors, love the feel!  It's a medium weight (4) and it's washer and dryer safe, although I probably won't, especially with other clothes.  Good stuff!  The pic below is the beginning few rows of my super quick poncho.  You can click on it to open it up in a new window and see it full size.


I am waiting on some yarn I ordered so I can whip this adorable bag below, linked to it's pattern page on Ravelry.  This baby is going to my awesomely amazing friend Shannon, who has been there for me through some of the darkest of times this year!  I am doing her in some fabby rich and bright colors.



::spread the love::

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