12.2.2021 | Thursday

so it’s been a bit…

category: Bitches & Moans, Family Stuff, This & That

Yes, I sort of fell off the blogging wagon for a bit. Life got chaotic for awhile… work, writing, pain issues, and then an unexpected move on short notice with about five days to complete the move.

The latter was super fun, I say sarcastically. It’s been a week and a half since we officially took up residence… across the street. Which sounds a whole lot easier than it was. To start with, we got short notice. We live in retirement housing on our Army post. Which is really a misnomer for a couple of reasons. One… there are active duty people living in the same housing. Two… it should be called “old, outdated housing that we foist upon our vets.” Don’t get me wrong… it’s not in bad shape. Just smaller than average and without central air… in Hawaii. There are two AC units, one in the master and one in the living room, both of them too small for the areas they are supposed to cool and fraught with issues… like dripping into the walls, creating mold and frequent floods. That left the upstairs, where my kids’ rooms are, at a temperature that rivals Satan’s lair. Hence why we had to move… so they could reno our old unit with AC, moving us to an identical unit (although mirrored) already updated. Cool, great. Sounds lovely.


  1. When I said short notice, I meant short notice… like less than a week if we wanted to stay in the same neighborhood. And if we’d waited, we’d be moving in the days prior to Christmas. Um, no, thanks.
  2. They offered us an incentive of $1500 to help with the move or they’d pack/move us at their expense. Sounds good, right? Yeah, again, not. Why, you ask? Let me explain…
    • The cheapest movers I could find on short notice would have been a three-person team who would have run us $1600… for a single day. More than their “incentive.”
    • They didn’t tell us about moving until it was too late to take advantage of their pack/move people.
    • We don’t even get the $1500 for at least another month. You know… after we shell out $$ for a move we didn’t ask for… right before the holidays.
  3. Because of the short notice, it was hard to get people off work to help. My husband managed to get four days, thank the Goddess. But one kid had to work, another had work and college. That left me, the hubs, and the youngest for much of it.
  4. This is the big one. The husband and I are two broke ass people. I don’t mean financially. I mean physically. Between the two of us, on a good day, we probably make up 60% of one fully physically functional human being. On a good day. What can I say? The Army broke us. And my abusive ex.

So, yeah. Moving just about killed us both. But it’s done, and we have AC. Even if I can barely walk now.

Good times.

::spread the love::

2 responses to “so it’s been a bit…

  1. I wondered where you were! I did see you had been reading (Goodreads), so wasn’t too worried! Sorry to hear the hassles, and happy to hear you have AC. Really, you’d think we (the government) would take better care of our service members, active or retired. That’s another long story I guess. Your old place sounds pretty unlivable.
    When I moved from CA to OR I am not sure how I would have done it without my brother’s help. He helped load, drove the moving van (it took a bigger one than I thought) towing a car, and unload. Then, drove it back to CA. I drove the other car. I had my daughter, three dogs and a cat with me. He had my son, two rats and a Guinea pig! The cab of the U-Haul was huge though, according to my son. God, I never want to move again! Actually, I probably would…

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