Tag: wth?

Fuck Texas

9.1.2021 | Wednesday

category: Political Madness, WTH?!
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Fuck Texas

Let me preface this… I’m solidly pro-choice. Solidly. I don’t judge you if you don’t want abortions, and I don’t judge if you choose to have one. I 100% support YOUR CHOICE! Texas is a hypocritical, GOP suckhole. A statement that largely holds true for ALL GOP-led states. “My body, […]

the anger I feel

8.30.2021 | Monday

category: WTH?!

the anger I feel

I’m about to be spicy. If that’s not your jam, move along. I’m not here to play today. It’s utterly mindboggling to me that we are almost eighteen months into a global pandemic, and the same asinine rhetoric is still being spewed, with new asinine rhetoric added to the mix […]


5.31.2021 | Monday

category: WTH?!


To say that I have bizarre dreams is an understatement to say the least. Years and years of bizarre dreams. Which makes me wonder… what the hell is going on in my subconscious?! There have been a ton of scientific studies on sleep and dreaming. It’s been shown that our […]

people be wildin’

5.19.2021 | Wednesday

category: Bitches & Moans

people be wildin’

I’ve seen a bunch of memes lately that kind of sum up the world pretty succinctly in my opinion. I think this one ↑ is the realest of the real talk I’ve seen lately. The amount of blatantly wrong information people put out these is astonishing… and often dangerous. I […]

pet peeves

4.30.2021 | Friday

category: Bitches & Moans
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pet peeves

pet peeve (noun): a frequent subject of complaint It’s weird how something that is no big deal to one person can irritate the hell out of another. I don’t have a lot of pet peeves, but I definitely have a few. interrupt me ONE more time, I dare you One […]

Trying to get my sh&t together…

9.16.2014 | Tuesday

category: WTH?!

Trying to get my sh&t together…

There is so much going on right now that I have no idea which direction is up from moment to moment.  You would think I would be used to that, but this time it is different.  This time things are happening from all different directions, situations becoming more twisted and […]

Not a happy Mama, not a happy post…

9.23.2013 | Monday

category: Bitches & Moans
tag(s): ,
1 Comment

Not a happy Mama, not a happy post…

This week has all the makings to be a pretty craptastic week.  This Saturday was supposed to be my due date and I am not entirely sure my body realizes that it isn't pregnant anymore.  Especially after the maelstrom of crap it has been through, I don't think it knows which […]