Tag: wth?

My idiocy continues!

3.10.2009 | Tuesday

category: Bitches & Moans
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My idiocy continues!

I think I must be an idiot.  That probably won’t come as much of a surprise to my readers;  it certainly doesn’t come as a surprise to my kids!!  But if there is one thing I have learned in life, it is that it rarely pays to try to be […]

Party Central

1.10.2009 | Saturday

category: Bitches & Moans

Party Central

My foyer smells like a bar. I am usually pretty laid back when it comes to neighbors.  In an apartment building like this, you are practically on top of one another so it pays to get along.  But last night was too much even for me.  They are an Army […]

Testosterone Quartet vs. The Mama, plus Obamaness

Testosterone Quartet vs. The Mama, plus Obamaness

And I think I am losing,…! Being a mother of 4 boys ain’t all sunshine and flowers.  :deadrose:   There really should be some kind of hazardous duty pay associated with motherhood.  Because I deserve it.  They are hazardous to my mental health.  Sometimes I read “mom” blogs and occasionally run […]